Leonardo Da Vinci's Penultimate Supper

Leonardo Da Vinci's Penultimate Supper

Discover the Rosicrucian Secrets Hidden in Leonardo’s Paintings

Several poor attempts have been made to understand details in Leonardo’s paintings. All have failed miserably, not only to see the humor and ridicule in them, but more importantly they have failed to bring to light the secret knowledge in them. Now, at last all is about to be revealed in this extraordinary book that will remove the cataracts that have been placed over our eyes by centuries of indoctrination, and reveal a new and brilliant history of the world.

Written in 1978.

‘One may only speculate where Leonardo obtained his knowledge of this heretical tradition, which we nowadays relate to ‘esoteric Christianity’, but which even in the sixteenth century would have been quite heretical. Perhaps Leonardo da Vinci was himself an initiate, a secret adept, and had the knowledge and had the insights from his own personal insights.’
(F. Gettings- Hidden Art)

Art Historian, F. Gettings wrote this in 1978 and nobody has, as yet, managed to solve this puzzle despite several best-selling books… TILL NOW!

Julian Doyle Books

Described by Python Terry Jones as “an original polymath”, Julian is a leading expert on Christian history and mythology. His books include The Monumental Secret of the Crucifixion, The Assassination of Mary Magdalene, Heretics: The True Christians, The Gospel According to Monty Python, and his latest work, historical mystery thriller The Jericho Manuscript.